Archive page 72

2011 Iowa Recruiting: Linebacker

Current Players

Seniors: 4 - Tarpinian, Hunter, Johnson, Petersen
Juniors: 3 - Nielsen, Tillison, Davis
Sophomores: 2 - Pryor, Olson
RS Freshmen: 3 - DiBona, Kloos, Kreiter
Freshmen: 4- Gray, Morris, Kirksey, Poggi

Despite loosing 2 starters at linebacker, the Iowa Football team is still a veteran group and features a lot of upperclassmen. In 2011, the starting 3 spots could very well be all seniors with Nielsen, Tillison, and Davis, which leaves 2012 with very little experience. The coaches will need to start working in some of the underclassmen, and especially the incoming 2010 freshmen. Morris is one player who could quickly make an impact, but Iowa still will have a lot to replace.
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2011 Iowa Recruiting: Offensive line

Current Players

Seniors: 3 - Vandervelde, Koeppel, Haganman
Juniors: 5 - Zusevics, Hundertmark, Detweiler, Orne, Gettis
Sophomores: 4 - Ferentz, Tobin, McMillan, Reiff
RS Freshmen: 4 - Clark, Boffeli, Van Sloten, MacMillan
Freshmen: 3 - Donnal, Scherff, Stoeker

Though the offensive line may be the biggest question mark going into the 2010 season, I think it's actually one position that Iowa is fairly set at for the next few year. Next year, it's likely only Vandervelde will need to be replaced and you could probably pick nearly any of the underclassman to fill that spot. The one possible blow to the line would be if Reiff leaves after his junior year. That would leave the 2012 line looking less veteran.
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2011 Iowa Recruiting: Tight ends

Current Players

Seniors: 1 - Reisner
Juniors: 2 - Herman, Furlong
Sophomores: 3 - Derby, Griggs, Gimm
RS Freshmen: 1 - Getz
Freshmen: 1 - Fiedorowicz

Iowa has more tight ends on its roster than most college football teams these days. However, the vast majority of the players are largely unproven without much game experience. Iowa's offense often features 2 and 3 TE sets, so depth is required at the position. Everyone is hoping Fiedorowicz will live up to his hype and I expect one of the sophomore to emerge as an option next year. Herman is decent as well and there is a strong possibility of someone (like Vier) switching positions and ending up at TE. It would be nice to get an "elite" tight end though, either this year or next to fill the void that Meyers and Moeaki (and Reisner after this year) left.
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One Word Wednesday: Big16


Iowa vs. Arizona a (Late) Night Game

Yesterday it was finally confirmed by ESPN that Iowa will be playing Arizona in a night game. The game will kickoff at 7:30 in Tuscon, which means it'll be 9:30 here in Iowa, and will be aired on ESPN. This is Iowa's 2nd schedule night game of the year. The other is the homecoming game against Penn State on October 2. (Here is the full Iowa Football Schedule.)
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