Archive page 7

StoriFFI: De'Andre Johnson suspended indefinitely

I'm trying out something new here: Storify. It seems like a pretty cool service and a nice way to create a post with lots of Tweets and links. It doesn't have a way to break it up so it's all after the jump.

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Iowa to wear silver Pro Combat uniforms

Iowa will be wearing Nike Pro Combat jerseys this year for one game per Micah Hyde and James Vandenberg at the B1G Media Days. Marc Morehouse quoted I think Vandenberg that the uniforms will be "silver pants [sic--pretty sure this meant jersey or helmet], silver pants, black cleats." This is definitely a "for the recruits" type of thing, and I'm trying to reserve judgement until I see them. But silver!? Really...silver?

Some other things...sounds like it will align with Veterans Day, so they will probably be worn against Purdue. Also, they will have a military theme and the players will get to choose which branch of the military they want to honor.

Links For Iowa is stealing the show

The B1G Media Days are starting. But before the barrage of Penn State questions asked to every coach, here are a few things.

Kirk Ferentz is stealing all your players

Mark me down on the surprised list. I wasn't expecting Kirk Ferentz to go after Penn State players. While it doesn't seem like his style to poach kids from other schools, we have seen it before plenty of times on the recruiting trail. Iowa is afraid to get kids committed to other schools (especially if those schools are MAC schools). But more so, there just doesn't seem to be much room on the roster. The NCAA is allowing schools to go over the 85-limit on scholarship players to accommodate PSU transfers for one year only. So, yes, great for this year, but next year is already pretty full. There are 18 seniors on Iowa's roster, but I think only 16 on scholarship (it's hard to say which former walk-ons are now on scholarship). Those 16 slots that will be open next year are already "filled" by the current list of commitments (well maybe they will be a spot opening up...see below). Anyway, if the need is strong enough and the kid really wants to be a Hawkeye there is probably some wiggle room and Iowa can make it work. And that's what it looks like they are trying to do.

Bill O'Brien spoke with ESPN on Mike and Mike yesterday morning. The most interesting bit from the interview from my Black and Gold tinted perspective was a bit around the 5:30 mark that 3 coaches had called him personally to ask about speaking to Penn State players. Kirk Ferentz was one. O'Brien was very appreciative of the fact that KF made that call. O'Brien made it sound like a player or players contacted Ferentz and that Ferentz was going to listen.

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For recruits, but enjoyable to all

The tides are changing. The stodgy, tight-lipped reputation of the Iowa Hawkeyes is loosening. It's something RossWB on BGHP called "The Brian Ferentz-ification of Iowa Football." And I don't doubt Brian (and LeVar Woods and Greg Davis) had an impact on Kirk Feretnz's changing attitude. But I think what this is all boiling down to is recruiting.

Yeah, kids these days...they like those Pro Combat uniforms, free iPads, hot tubs in every room, fancy hype videos on YouTube, Twitter, Twitter, and more Twitter. Thankfully Iowa hasn't succumb to doing anything too over-the-top (maybe minus the card stunt, which was 100% awesome) like putting up ridiculous billboards or wearing a state flag as a jersey (I'm looking at you Maryland).

The football program has been doing some really cool things and the great news is, that they're public's not just recruits that are benefiting. And these cool things are all being done in a very Iowa sort of way.

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Julian Vandervelde is the Dark Knight

The Dark Knight surpRISES a local weatherman...and tells hilariously awful puns. And it's former Iowa offensive lineman Julian Vandervelde behind the mask. It was all over the internet yesterday, but is too good not to post.

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