The results are in...

The Ken O'Keefe Challenge Week 1 is officially over. Here's a look at the play calling on each drive and how a coin flip, KOK Bot, and I did on guessing run or pass correctly.

Drive 1: 13 plays - 52 yards - 5:43 - Field Goal
Play Calling - 6 Runs, 7 Passes
Prediction Results -
  • Me: 7 correct calls
  • Coin: 4
  • KOK Bot: 4
Drive 2: 3 plays - 10 yards - 1:26 - Fumble
Play Calling - 2 Runs, 1 Pass (1 Sack)
Prediction Results -
  • Me: 2
  • Coin: 1
  • KOK Bot: 3
Drive 3: 3 plays - -9 yards - 2:20 - Punt
Play Calling - 2 Runs, 1 Pass (1 Sack)
Prediction Results -
  • Me: 2
  • Coin: 2
  • KOK Bot: 1
Drive 4: 4 plays - 33 yards - 1:23 - Punt
Play Calling - 3 Runs, 1 Pass
Prediction Results -
  • Me: 3
  • Coin: 1
  • KOK Bot: 4
Drive 5: 4 plays - 12 yards - 1:39 - Punt
Play Calling - 1 Run, 3 Passes
Prediction Results -
  • Me: 2
  • Coin: 3
  • KOK Bot: 1
Drive 6: 5 plays - 14 yards - 0:56 - Downs
Play Calling - 1 Run, 4 Passes (2 Sacks)
Prediction Results -
  • Me: 4
  • Coin: 1
  • KOK Bot: 3
First Half Results:
  • Me: 20
  • Coin: 12
  • KOK Bot: 16
Drive 7: 2 plays - 0 yards - 0:20 - Fumble
Play Calling - 1 Run, 1 Pass
Prediction Results -
  • Me: 1
  • Coin: 0
  • KOK Bot: 0
Drive 8: 6 plays - 70 yards - 3:12 - Touchdown!
Play Calling - 2 Runs, 4 Passes
Prediction Results -
  • Me: 2
  • Coin: 4
  • KOK Bot: 3
Drive 9: 3 plays - 8 yards - 1:43 - Punt
Play Calling - 2 Runs, 1 Pass
Prediction Results -
  • Me: 1
  • Coin: 1
  • KOK Bot: 2
Drive 10: 4 plays - 18 yards - 1:17 - Missed FG
Play Calling - 0 Runs, 4 Passes (2 Sacks)
Prediction Results -
  • Me: 3
  • Coin: 2
  • KOK Bot: 1
Drive 11: 7 plays - 73 yards - 3:16 - Touchdown!
Play Calling - 3 Runs, 4 Passes
Prediction Results -
  • Me: 5
  • Coin: 4
  • KOK Bot: 6
Drive 12: 6 plays - 34 yards - 2:40 - Downs
Play Calling - 3 Runs, 3 Passes
Prediction Results -
  • Me: 5
  • Coin: 4
  • KOK Bot: 3
Drive 13: 5 plays - 17 yards - 2:12 - Punt
Play Calling - 1 Run, 4 Pass
Prediction Results -
  • Me: 5 (perfection!)
  • Coin: 2
  • KOK Bot: 2
Final Results:
  • Me: 42 (out of 65) - 64.6%
  • Coin: 29 - 44.6%
  • KOK Bot: 33 - 50.8%
I think I did pretty well guessing what Ken O'Keefe would call today, especially in the second half when we moved to throwing the ball the majority of the time. I think the KOK Bot was off today because it was calibrated last year when we had Shonn Greene running the ball all day long. But, this was just one game, so we'll see how the year pans out.

Play Calling:
In terms of actual play calling, I thought it was mediocre today. The first half was way too conservative. I'm sure the coaching staff wanted to see what they could do with just a shell of the offense, but it was obvious fairly quickly that running inside zones all day was not going to work.

In the second half, things opened up a little bit more. We saw the stretch play in the run game, and some play action. We also we running more vertical routes and Stanzi was throwing it down the field. I think this is the offense that KOK is going to have to use this year. Let Stanzi make some plays and move him around in and outside of the pocket. And of course, run the ball enough to keep the defense honest.

On the game on a whole, there were 27 runs called and 38 passes (4 sacks). That's 41-59% run to pass, almost exactly opposite of last year.

The 34 passing attempts by Stanzi was the most in his career (the previous high was 30 against Northwestern) and his 22 completions were also a career high. Iowa only passed the ball this many times once last year (against Pitt).

On the 3 scoring drives, Iowa ran it 11 times and passed 15, which is the same 41-59% ratio as the overall play calling.