I've seen a couple of blogs break down their teams position by position for 2009 versus 2008. My title is less clever than Looking Back, Look Forward (Eleven Warriors) or Upgrade/Downgrade (The Daily Gopher), but the idea is the same. Today I'll start off doing the offense and I'll try to get around to the defense in a day or two.

Offensive Line:

Left Tackle - '08 Bulaga vs. '09 Bulaga
One of six returning starters on offense, it's easy to predict '09 Bulaga will be greater than '08 Bulaga. He'll have one more year of experience and all indications are that he has continued to hone his technique over the off season. Give this one to 2009.

Left Guard - '08 Vandervelde vs. '09 Richardson
This one is much more difficult. Vandervelde did very well in 2008 to earn the starting spot and was expected to start again at one of the guard position in 2009. However, with his recent injury he will be missing practice time and may also miss some games. Richardson looks to have the left guard spot locked down for now. It's a new position to Richardson who previously was a tackle before a crushing knee injury. He hasn't seen any significant playing time since midway through 2006, so we really don't know how he'll perform come game time. I'm going to have to say a slight downgrade, just because of the uncertainty.

Center - '08 Bruggeman vs. '09 Eubanks/Koeppel/Ferentz
Center is one of the biggest position battles on offense this year. It is unlikely, however, that anyone will be better than Bruggeman was in 2008. Eubanks' struggles have been well documented and neither Koeppel or Ferentz really have any experience. The edge here is clearly 2008.

Right Guard - '08 Olsen vs. '09 Doering/Kuempel/Vandervelde
Seth Olsen had a very good senior season, but he is not irreplaceable. In fact he missed two game last year and Kuempel filled in very nicely for him (watch some highlights from the Wisconsin game). Whoever ultimately wins this spot will bring experience and talent. I don't expect any drop off, so I'll call it even.

Right Tackle - '08 Calloway vs. '09 Calloway
It would be easy to give the edge to '09 with another returning starter, however, Calloway is facing a one game suspension for his adventurous moped incident. I don't think that will be a huge set back, but I'll call the 2 years even.

Score after offensive line: 2008 - 2, 2009 - 1, Push - 2


Tight End - '08 Myers vs. '09 Moeaki
Brandon Myers had a great year for the Hawkeyes in 2008 and I expect the same from Tony Moeaki this year. Moeaki has the potential to be even better than Myers if he remains healthy, which I think he will. I'm going to give this one to 2009.

Split End - '08 DJK vs. '09 McNutt/Sandeman/DJK
I think DJK will ultimately win his starting job back before the first game against UNI. And, if he's been listening to excellent receiver coach Erik Campbell, he should be even better. McNutt and Sandeman should add some needed depth at the position. 2009, another point for you.

Wide Receiver - '08 Brodell vs. '09 Stross/Chaney/Davis
Brodell was a very good possession receiver for Iowa last year, and he was good for a big play every game or two scoring 5 touchdowns. If Stross can remain healthy he could have a good year. Chaney has definitely shown potential and by potential I mean running right by defender only to not catch the ball. And, incoming freshman Keenan Davis definitely has a shot at making an impact. That said, I will still go with Brodell.

Score after receivers: 2008 - 3, 2009 - 3, Push - 2


Quarterback - '08 Christensen/Stanzi vs. '09 Stanzi
This one is pretty clear cut. There is no QB controversy on our hands in 2009 and Stanzi should be even better than he was in 2008. The QB situation is much better for '09.

Fullback - '08 Morse/Leppert vs. '09 Morse/Leppert
Both Morse and Leppert are very capable at fullback and both had good 2008 season. Like most returning players I expect them to be better than they were last year. So 2009 will get the point.

Running Back - '08 Greene vs. '09 Hampton/Brinson/O'Meara/Wegher
While I don't think the drop off will be huge, obviously nobody is going to be able to match Shonn Greene's spectacular 2008 season. However, as a whole I think this group will be pretty good. 2008 still wins this round though.

Final Standings: 2008 - 4, 2009 - 5, Push - 2