Iowa Related

Big Ten preseason picks
Some kind of loosely formed conglomeration called the "Big Ten Bloggers" (I need to get in on that some how) made same general picks about the 2009 football season. The one thing I wanted to point out was the over at Zombie Nation, the Must See Game of the Year is Iowa at Penn State. Apparently the sting of Iowa's victory at Kinnick last year still burns. "Ohio State didn't ruin Penn State's national title hopes for 2008... IOWA DID. REMEMBER THAT."

At least it's college football related

BCS to be reviewed by Congress
Congressman Orrin Hatch from Utah is bringing forth the case against the BCS to the Senate's antitrust panel next Tuesday. The Sherman Antitrust Act prohibits contracts, combinations or conspiracies designed to reduce competition. It’s hard not to buy the argument that the BCS does exactly that (minus the conspiracy part). There's a lot more too it though (legal stuff I don't understand), and ultimately I don't think the government will really do anything to change the college football post season.

Not even college football related

The Red Sox can't count
I've seen this happen before, but it's still pretty funny. Last night, in the sixth inning the Red Sox walk off the field despite the fact that there are only 2 outs.

Butter Michael Jackson
Are you going to the Iowa State Fair this year? Well, maybe you should to check out the butter Michael Jackson along side the famous butter cow. Apparently the sculpture will be of MJ moonwalking, which is pretty awesome. Making it possibly even more awesome, is that the butter MJ will be incorporated into a tribute to the 40th anniversary of the Neil Armstrong's original moon walk (good pun usage by the butter people).